• What is a presale?
    • A presale is a set number of pins "at cost" to cover production costs for the lot. These spots are simply the cost of making the pin plus shipping to you. It is a chance for buyers to purchase prior to in-hand sales, which are the "for-profit" sales. For example, if it costs $10 to create a pin, the presale spot would be $10 plus shipping. In hand it could cost $25 plus shipping, as at that point, it is for profit.
  • How long should I expect to wait for a presale pin to arrive?
    • Presale pins typically take at LEAST 6 weeks to arrive, but can be up to 12 depending on the complexity. All updates are shared via Instagram or you can email for updates on specific desings! If you are not comfortable waiting, you can always wait till in-hand pin sales.
  • How do I keep up with sale dates?
    • I post my calendar on Instagram @amagicalfantasy.pins and also will try to share dates here as well. 
  • What do the terms LE, LR and OE mean?
    • LE means limited edition. If this term is attached to a pin, say LE50, it means only 50 of that exact design will be made! 
    • LR means limited release. If this term is attached to a pin, it means that the presale was open for a limited time and the number of pins was based on presales sold. For example, if a presale opens and 20 people purchased, the LR would be 40, as I always order double the amount of presale spots sold.
    • OE means open edition. This means the design is not limited. There could be (theoretically) an infinite amount of this design made.
  • If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me or email me at [email protected]